Exodus 17:7

Your life is always answering this question

And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the Lord saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?”

Exodus 17:7

In the life of every Christ-follower are onlookers asking the question, “Is the Lord among us or not?”

People rarely ask the question that directly. But they inevitably move from curious to anxious to needing to know. Should they rely on the Lord? Or are they on their own? Or perhaps there’s something else out there?

If Exodus 17 is any indication, the disciple of Jesus still has the same stuff Moses had with which they answer that question:

  • A history of - and an eye for - God’s presence in their own life.

  • A staff/rod gifted to them as God’s instrument, to be picked up and put down as God directs.

  • The wisdom of the counsel around them, accompanying them in the form of the church.

  • The rock that is Jesus Christ, struck on our behalf, overflowing an endless supply of living water.

To be attentive to these provisions will yield the only possible answer a Christ-follower can give:
